The woodland route
White firs and imposing larch pines, striking beech forests, solemn and silent woods.
Sila is the great forest of Calabria, the monumental trees covering it were once the precious raw material used to build the ships that sailed the nearby sea. An unwritten pact between the world of flora and the world of man remains the fundamental law for anyone who decides to penetrate the forest and encounter a so far unexplored corner of their soul. From the Romans to the Bourbons, the Sila region has been the open-air carpentry of the Italian peninsula, the place where tree vegetation thrived, a resource rightly envied by courts and armies throughout Europe. Here, the forest becomes an attraction for a new kind of tourism, which experiences the forest as a parallel world to be explored and known, as a place of memory and a living museum in which to listen, transported by a fantastic time machine, to stories that are both ancient and ever relevant.
Technical specifications of the route
Discover the values of the territory
Very pure air
Timeless giants
The wolf's house
The wood of Rome
Description of the itinerary and stages
The stages
From San Giovanni in Fiore to Lorica

The journey that will take us along “The Woodland Route” begins from the city. A small paradox, useful to give even more emphasis, through contrast, to the dimension of wild and uncontaminated nature that we will encounter along the way.
We start in fact from the historic centre of San Giovanni in Fiore, amidst its tangled alleyways and the solid, reassuring walls of its dwellings, in the majestic shadow of the Florense Abbey, evidence of man’s ancient presence here, among the towns at the foot of the plateau.
However, we soon leave the inhabited places behind us and begin to climb towards the heart of Sila. We proceed swiftly along the SS 107 highway, but we immediately allow ourselves a break. In Cuturelle we can, in fact, have our first close encounter with the great trees of Sila, thanks to a visit to the beautiful adventure park set up in the hamlet.
Then it’s off again along the state highway, crossing the valley that leads to Torre Garga. At the roadside, the two souls of the area seem to confront each other: on the one side the fields cultivated with human effort and skill, on the other the forests, increasingly thick and wild.
Immediately after taking the SS 108 bis highway, it becomes clear which of the two elements will be the dominant one: the road winds in the deep shadow of the large conifers. The dark green fills the eyes, and the scent of the forest and its resins intoxicate the nostrils.

It feels like being sailors navigating in a vegetable sea. The small farms along the way are like islands in the ocean. Then comes the landing place: we are in Lorica, an outpost of men in the kingdom of nature since the most remote times.
Right from its name, the village reveals its ancient history. This term, in fact, was used to identify the armour used by the Romans who inhabited these areas at the time of the Punic Wars, and who precisely from the wood of Sila extracted pitch for their warships. Lorica’s tourist fortune today is linked above all to its proximity to the Arvo Lake, but here, too, there are plenty of interesting elements related to the forest, the key theme of our itinerary: here there are the marvellous pinewoods that descend to the banks of the basin, which are worth exploring by following one of the many hiking routes in the area, such as the scenic Anello dei Colli Perilli (Perilli Hills Ring). Not far from the town centre, in the thick of the trees, there is the SilAvventura equipped adventure park, which accompanies young and old on an acrobatic and aerial route through the Sila fir woods, among suspended bridges, ladders and balancing experiences. The park has been recently equipped with a new tourist attraction called “Il volo sul lago Arvo” (Flight over the Arvo Lake), a real jump into the void by flying over the lake hanging from a six hundred metre long steel cable.
The Strada delle Vette and the Tasso Forest

After having enjoyed the hospitality of Lorica and the refreshment of a well-deserved rest along the shores of the Arvo Lake, our journey as sailors of the woods beckons us towards another adventurous stage. It is time to head high, towards the highest peaks of Sila. A slender, twisted asphalt track gets lost in the forest again, climbing the slopes behind Lorica. We are on the Strada delle Vette (the Road of the Peaks). Every now and then, a panoramic glimpse opens up in the midst of the dense forest and the view is immediately enchanting: at first the panoramas sweep over the Arvo Lake, and then, as we gain altitude, the views reveal ever more distant horizons. Near the summit of Mount Botte Donato, which at 1928 metres is the “roof” of Sila, the view on clear days embraces the seas lapping Calabria and reaches as far as the distant peak of Mount Etna.
In winter, the road is transformed into a spectacular cross-country skiing track (accessible via the ski lifts that start from Lorica and Camigliatello), but even in other seasons, taking this route is a journey not to be missed, allowing you to admire the vastness of the plateau and the majestic expanse of its forests from above. One after the other, the highest peaks of the area appear alongside us: Mount Curcio (1768 metres) and Mount Timpone Bruno (1742 metres).

Our ridge crossing finally arrives at the Monte Scuro pass, the historic access point to the plateau, where the Strada delle Vette joins the SP 256 provincial highway, which we follow northwards as far as Fago del Soldato (literally: “the soldier’s beech”), a place surrounded by the black legend of the Sila brigands: here, according to stories handed down from generation to generation, they hanged from a beech tree a soldier who was probably on their trail…
Much more serene auspices accompany us to the next stage, in the small and charming hamlet of Moccone.
It is time, however, to take another plunge into the green of the great forests: in fact, near Moccone is the Riserva Naturale Biogenetica del Tasso (Tasso Biogenetic Nature Reserve), the ancient “silos” for ship building timber, 223 hectares of uncontaminated forest, with the larch pine standing out for the number and size of its specimens. Protected today as in the past, the Tasso Nature Reserve is the home of the Silan wolf, the true and undisputed king of Sila. The area is also of zoological interest for the presence of a cute rodent called “forest dormouse“, a rare species of the dormouse family, which has found a safe haven in Sila. Even if you are not a fan of the genre, it is a must to enjoy the thrill of birdwatching: sparrow hawks, scops owls, woodpeckers, siskins and crossbills will delight young and old alike. The easy Tasso Forest trail is the ideal opportunity to immerse yourself in this enchanting and uncontaminated world.
Camigliatello and the Giants of Sila

After the rightful pilgrimage to the green heart of the Sila, following the SP 256 provincial highway, we arrive at Camigliatello, one of the small capitals of Sila tourism, frequented above all in winter, given its proximity to the La Pagliara and Mount Curcio ski facilities, but which in all seasons is the ideal place for nature and outdoor activities enthusiasts. The Lupo Ezechiele (Zeke Midas Wolf) adventure park is an irresistible attraction, especially for children. The must-see attraction, however, is the Riserva dei Giganti della Sila (Giants of Sila Nature Reserve).
The reserve, managed by the FAI (the National Trust for Italy) can be reached from the Croce di Magara hamlet, not far from Camigliatello. We are in the presence of one of the most famous and celebrated sights, since the times of the Grand Tour travellers. These Giants are centuries-old trees that here put on a show in terms of number and size. Following a well-equipped hiking trail and accompanied by interesting explanatory signs, we enter the exclusive garden of Sila. We are at an altitude of 1420 metres, in a strip of pine forest where the trees reach 450 years of age, giving with their presence a unique testimony of the ancient forest that once covered the entire plateau. The Giants can rise up to 45 metres in height and have a diameter at the base of about 2 metres, so much so that they are often compared in size to North American redwoods. There are exactly 56 pines in the reserve; in addition to the larch pine, there are wild apple trees, beech trees, chestnut trees, quaking aspens and sycamores.

Near the Reserve we find the Casino Mollo, built in the 17th century by the noble family of the Mollo barons. It is a massive rectangular building with two floors, each measuring about three hundred square metres. The restoration work being carried out by the FAI envisages the refurbishment of the building as a typical Sila forest lodge which, through a combination of traditional furnishings and relics from the past and sophisticated multimedia communication technologies, will tell the story of this corner of the rural landscape of southern Italy, from the 17th century to the present day.
Once back in Camigliatello, we head for the next stage of our journey along the woodland route, not before paying a visit to an “alien” from a distant world…
Along the SS 177 highway that leaves the town eastwards, we take the diversion on the right leading to the hamlet of Torre Camigliati. Here, in the large park surrounding the ancient hunting lodge of the Barracco noble family, we find a majestic specimen of California redwood, 25 metres high, 9 metres in circumference, planted in 1940 by Mrs Gabriella Barracco Nicolis of Robilant, and which in Sila seems to thrive and be at ease in the company of the local giants.
The Cecita Lake and the Cupone Visitor Centre

Having concluded our visit to our “vegetable alien”, we return to the SP 177 provincial highway, which in a short time, through a gentle bucolic landscape among meadows, cultivated fields and small patches of woodland, leads to the shores of the Cecita Lake, the largest of the artificial reservoirs on the plateau. It is impossible not to stop and admire the sight that seems to transport us to the landscapes of the Great North…
Today, these are the places from which unique treasures such as the Sila IGP potato are extracted from the earth, but, with a little imagination, we can imagine it as this central area of the plateau once was: an immense forest, where the singing of the birds was cadenced by the blows of the axes that struck the pines and by their crashing to the ground. Guiding the axes were men who seemed to be made of the same wood: the “mannesi” (so called because of the axe they used, similar to a “mannaia”, i.e. a cleaver), who cut down the larch pines and chestnut trunks. Their equipment, when they went to work, consisted of a large saw with a double handle, an axe, a file to sharpen the teeth of the saw, a whetstone to sharpen the axe, and a certain amount of oil to lubricate the saw, the only oil capable of slipping on the resistant Greek pitch, sought after since antiquity precisely because of its characteristic viscosity.
The “mannesi” were the symbol of a lost world, made up of real hard work and teamwork for the common good: everyone had each other’s backs, and Sila with its trees ensured the economic well-being of the woodcutters. The sign of their work today seems centuries away, but the grandeur of some trees and the beauty of the forest testify to a balance between man and nature that is difficult to find elsewhere.
Evidence of this ancient relationship between man and nature is the Cupone Visitor Centre, flagship of the Sila National Park and a true monument to the Sila forests, to their history and biodiversity.
Not far from the shores of the Cecita Lake, the Centre, now operated by the Carabinieri Biodiversity Department of Cosenza, welcomes the tourist with its perfectly cut lawn and an architecturally avant-garde structure, perfectly integrated in the landscape of which it is part.
The Cupone was once the centre where Silan wood was processed for customers from all over the world. The ancient sawmill, specialised in the extraction of rosin and turpentine essence useful for the production of Greek pitch, represents today a magnificent example of industrial archaeology, a witness to Silan history and traditions.

At the Centre, the Museo dell’Albero (Tree Museum), recounts the delicate relationship between the exploitation of natural resources and human labour through images, sounds, tales and traditional tools. Impressive tree sections are witnesses to the passing of the ages and historical events. The nature museum also has a space dedicated to the wolf, silent inhabitant of this region and undisputed symbol of the immense Sila forests. The dreaded predator, which has always been considered an enemy because of its attacks on livestock, is now controlled through a programme involving the introduction of roe deer and red deer to re-establish the balance of the food chain and ensure that this splendid animal no longer represents a threat to humans.
On the Centre’s external area, short outdoor paths complete the visit to the naturalistic knowledge of the Sila. A Botanical Garden and a Geological Park display the essential flora indigenous to the area and the erratic granite boulders that reveal how the Sila plateau is an “appendage” of the Alpine arc.
The stage points of the trail, equipped with wildlife enclosures, offer exciting encounters with mouflon, deer, roe deer or eagle owl. Finally, along the trail, a wetland area represents the prevailing habitat along the lakes, while the arboreal vegetation outlines the plateau’s vegetational environment to the hiker according to sun exposure: larch pine to the south, beech and silver fir to the north.
Departing from the Centre, a short didactic circuit of about 3 kilometres leads into the nearby forest to discover the Silan fauna and an old charcoal pile.
On the other side of the lake, a few kilometres from the Cupone Visitor Centre, in the hamlet of Colamauci, within the municipality of Celico, it is possible to admire the Castagno di San Francesco (Saint Francis Chestnut Tree), a centuries-old plant thus defined because, according to legend, Saint Francis of Paola passed by it on his way to Corigliano to found his fourth convent in chronological order. It is a gigantic, blackened “dark flask” that opens at the base and expands luxuriantly in height.
From the Fossiata forest to Longobucco

It is truly an immense and marvellous universe that the Cupone Visitor Centre tells of, and it is well worth taking the time to explore it in all its various aspects. The wonders of our itinerary, however, are far from over.
Leaving the Centre, we follow the SP 255 provincial highway, which enters the monumental Fossiata forest, a splendid thousand-year-old woodland that extends to the east of the Cecita Lake. This is where the plateau’s main watercourses originate: the Cecita, the Lese and the Neto rivers.
Just along the road, there is the entrance to the Sila National Park’s Arboretum, an area of about 90 hectares transformed, thanks to the intervention of the Sila National Park Authority, from an abandoned forest nursery into a garden of biodiversity. The most curious attractions are certainly the Bat-House and the pond equipped with an underwater camera, through which one can observe, live, the dynamics of the animal communities living there: bats, newts and dragonflies.

The journey through the Fossiata forest represents the last glorious embrace to the wild world of Sila before returning to the lands of man. Soon, in fact, the road enters the valley that descends from the plateau towards the Ionian lands, and the gaze reveals the roofs of the houses of Longobucco, an enchanting village, rich in history and the arrival point of our journey.
Shortly before our arrival, however, a tourist sign reading “Albero monumentale” (Monumental Tree) invites us to take a final diversion to pay homage to an eminent patriarch of Sila trees.
Driving along the SP 177 provincial highway for a stretch, up its winding hairpin bends, we meet the path that soon leads to the sight of a centuries-old larch pine reaching a height of 30 metres, but enchanting above all for its spectacular and articulated root structure, which gives it a circumference at the base of over 10 metres!
A last embrace to this father of trees and a last silent pause, listening to its eternal dialogue with the light and the wind… Then off to Longobucco and the voices of men: other stories and other adventures await us!
All points of interest
1) Departure – From San Giovanni in Fiore to Lorica

San Giovanni in Fiore is the largest municipality in Sila. It has about 18,000 inhabitants and is located in close proximity to the Alta Val di Neto and the mountainous district of Montenero. It enjoys a beautiful record; in fact, it is the most populated Italian municipality above 1,000 meters above sea level. Its town is linked to the figure of Abbot Joachim of Fiore, a 12th-13th century
exegete monk, who founded the monastery of San Giovanni in Fiore right there, bringing in many people from neighboring places. The majestic Florense Abbey, one of the architectural jewels of the area, is dedicated to him. In memory of the religious figure, the International Center for Gioachimite Studies, an institution recognized by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, was founded here, studying and working to collect all the abbot’s writings. San Giovanni in Fiore is also linked to the historical figures of the Bandiera Brothers, Italian patriots who were captured, in 1844, in its vicinity. The municipality currently houses the administrative headquarters of the Sila National Park, located at the hamlet of Lorica, which belongs to the Silana Mountain Community.
Info and contacts:

Cuturelle Adventure Park is in Calabria, about 2 minutes from the center of San Giovanni in Fiore (CS), in the heart of Sila. With its 8 hectares of extension, where more than 3,000 meters of suspended routes are developed at high altitude and its equipped areas with more than 100,000 annual visitors, it represents a reality of extreme interest for tourist enjoyment in the territories and at the same time the most innovative in Southern Italy, with new types of routes in total safety. In respect of nature, Cuturelle Adventure Park gives fun and involvement for all ages, for adults and children, families and organized groups who come to visit it followed by our instructors and
specialized guides.
Info and contacts:

Located on the northern shore of Lake Arvo, at an altitude of 1314, is Lorica, a must-see destination for visitors to the Silan lands. Among the most renowned tourist resorts in the area, Lorica has several elements of interest, first and foremost the nearby Lake Arvo, with its countless opportunities for sports and tourist enjoyment and its enchanting landscapes. Among the various
attractions are impressive larch groves, well worth a visit, that line the town and descend along the mountain slopes to the shores of the lake. There is also an electric battery-powered boat service on the lake. Among the attractions not to be missed is the bobsled track on rails set up near the hamlet of Cavaliere. The name of the town betrays an ancient origin: the lorica was in fact the ancient armor of the Romans, who inhabited the Sila territories at the time of the Punic Wars, and who extracted pitch for their warships from the wood of the Sila.
Information and contacts:
Sila National Park Authority –
Proloco Lorica –
Loricaly –

Lake Arvo is a reservoir created in 1926-32 for hydroelectric purposes by damming the course of the river of the same name and the Bufalo and Fiego streams. It is located at an elevation of 1278 and occupies an area of 8 square kilometers, making it the second largest in Sila, after Cecita. The dam that generated it is made of compacted earth and clay, a unique case in the entire region. As with the Cecita, Lake Arvo has also fit harmoniously into the mountainous environment of Sila, and over the years it has become a center of attraction for tourists: it lends itself well to water sports such as rowing or wind surfing, is swimmable, and is rich in countless species of fish, both native
and introduced, of interest to sport fishing enthusiasts. Other activities available to outdoor enthusiasts include mountain biking, with a variety of equipped trails, and numerous trekking routes of varying difficulty.

See itinerary text in the folder THE WAY OF THE WOODS

SilAvventurA is a theme park present in Lorica, within Sila National Park, in which various outdoor activities are practiced, intended for everyone, from children to the most experienced. There are acrobatic trails that allow visitors to move from tree to tree safely, with varying degrees of difficulty. Recently the park’s offerings have been enriched with the spectacular flight over Lake
Arvo, hanging from a 600-meter cable. Admission to the park is free; however, a ticket is charged to access the acrobatic courses. Available to visitors is the facility’s qualified staff, who demonstrate the use of equipment and progression techniques along the routes, simulating the evolutions that can
be performed.
Info and contacts:
2) The Strada delle Vette and the Tasso Forest

Parallel to the paved road runs a hiking route that reaches the peaks of the mountains crossed. An attractive mountain bike route is also associated with the route. The Valico di Monte Scuro coincides with the departure of the Strada delle Vette, a famous panoramic route that leads both to Lorica and to the most important peaks of the Silan plateau, including Monte Scuro, Monte Curcio, and Monte Botte Donato (the highest peak in all of Sila). The views alternate: from the pass on Monte Scuro (so named because of the constant presence of clouds in winter) one overlooks Lake Cecita, while from the summit of Monte Botte Donato one observes Lake Arvo from above. The pass is dominated by a Cross with Christ, and at the saddle itself there is a memorial stone dedicated to the Cosenza writer Nicola Misasi, who several times celebrated Sila in his works.

The Tasso Biogenetic Nature Reserve, the former natural "silo" for shipbuilding lumber, encompasses 223 hectares of pristine forest, with the typical Silan larch pine towering in number and size of trees. Protected today as it was then, the Tasso Nature Reserve is home to the Silan Wolf, the famous predator that is one of Sila's symbols, as well as the small driomio, a dormouse like rodent. A dedicated birdwatching area within the reserve allows even the most inexperienced observers to come into contact with sparrow hawks, scops owls, woodpeckers, lizards and crossbills, which can be seen immersed in their natural habitat.

See trail description inserted in the itinerary folder
3) Camigliatello and the Giants of Sila

Camigliatello is one of the centers of the Sila Grande with the greatest vocation for tourism. The name derives from the Scamigliati, religious men who, under their habit, did not wear shirts. Characterized by a built-up area composed of beautiful buildings of mountain architecture surrounded by lush larch pine forests, the entire town center falls within the Sila National Park, and is characterized by its typical breathtaking mountain views. Camigliatello is also a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts, with slopes dedicated to alpine and cross-country skiing and the modern Mount Curcio gondola. In summer, too, there are a variety of opportunities for outdoor activities for hikers, thanks to a dense network of trekking trails of varying difficulty, and
long routes that can be traveled by mountain bike. Other points of interest in the area include the archaeological areas at the hollows later used to create the artificial lakes: remains of Neanderthal Man settlements and Neolithic fishing and farming villages have been found in them, as well as evidence from Greek and Roman times.
Info and contacts:
Camigliatello Tourism –

The La Pagliara ski resort, which offers enthusiasts two kilometers of alpine ski slopes, ranging in altitude from 1650 to 1750 meters, equipped with lighting for night skiing and associated with a new two-seater chairlift with an hourly capacity of 800 people. In addition to the alpine ski trails, there is a 15-kilometer loop trail for cross-country skiing. Down in the valley, in a quaint mountain hut, there is a bar and a restaurant with typical and international cuisine. Also available are a ski school, equipment rental and related repair shop, with the possibility of renting snowmobiles.
The Tasso-Monte Curcio ski lift, in Camigliatello Silano, features a high-tech lift system, equipped with a gondola with closed cabins with automatic hooks, an hourly capacity of 1,800 people and a length of nearly two kilometers. In the winter season skiers have two slopes, the blue run and the red run. However, the lift is active all year round and allows everyone to reach the highest peaks of Sila to enjoy splendid views and go hiking. Both the departure (Tasso) and arrival (Mount Curcio) locations are equipped with bar rooms, diners and services. It is also possible to rent skis and sportswear at the lift yard.

The park offers a wide range of activities that are as exciting and fun as they are engaging. It is surrounded by nature, so it offers a unique opportunity to get in touch, in an active way, with its beauty. The place can be especially appreciated by those who love the outdoors and at the same time wish to enjoy the immersive experience of its trails. The activities offered often require one to engage in a personal challenge, overcoming one's fears and facing obstacles to reach the goal. This, in addition to being rewarding, can help develop self-confidence as well as physical skills. The adventure park is designed for people of different ages and with different levels of physicality. This means that families can spend quality time staying together, perhaps participating in different activities.
Info and contacts:
Tel. 329 008 6114

The nature reserve is famous for preserving within it the famous Giants of Sila, or fifty-six monumental specimens of larch pine over five hundred years old, up to 45 meters tall and over two meters in diameter at the base. Within the reserve, now managed by FAI, there are other younger specimens of larch pine, as well as various wild apple, beech, chestnut, quaking aspen, and sycamore maple trees. These plants represent the last remnant of the older Sila forests, which originally populated the entire plateau and were gradually cut down in the period after the Unification of Italy for industrial needs, and later after World War II to repay the American and British allies in timber. The name Fallistro means “hollowed-out place”. A silk spinning mill operated on the site until 1910.
Info and contacts:
FAI – Fund for the Italian Environment
Sila National Park –

Located in the heart of Sila Grande, at an altitude of 1,200 m, Camigliati Tower represents a typical example of an 18th-century Silan baronial residence. It is a fully restored monument of national interest, nestled in the greenery of a private park about 60 hectares wide and surrounded by trees, streams and flowering meadows. Interventions on the monument occurred only recently, after decades of neglect since the land reform of 1950. Today the structure has regained its former glory: for a time, in fact, the tower was the only luxury hotel in the entire Silan area. Since 2001 it has become a cultural center for the development and promotion of the area, included within the larger project called "Oldcalabria Park." Immersed in a landscape of incomparable beauty, monuments such as this one represent the bulwarks symbolizing the strength of the landowners in their struggle with the peasants who cultivated the local lands.
Info and contacts:
4) The Cecita Lake and the Cupone Visitor Centre

Located at an elevation of 1130 has an area of 13 square kilometers, making it the largest of the reservoirs on the Sila Plateau. Completed in the early 1950s by damming the Mucone River (so named because the remains of a cow were found there) with an embankment dam more than a kilometer long, Lake Cecita feeds two hydroelectric power plants, in Acre and Bisognano, and part
of its waters are used to irrigate the surrounding fields, which are mainly dedicated to the cultivation of the famous Sila potato. Although it was created for purely economic purposes, the lake has fit perfectly into the Sila environment to the point of becoming a tourist attraction thanks to the beauty of the landscapes by which it is surrounded and the considerable naturalistic interest of the species that populate it: migratory waterfowl, various species of fish, some of which have been introduced such as whitefish or rainbow trout, making it of particular interest to sport fishing enthusiasts; the presence of the otter, an important indicator of environmental quality, is also reported. The presence of this fascinating mustelid in the waters of Lake Cecita is a subject of
debate among zoologists, although its sporadic occurrence has been repeatedly reported. The existence of resident populations of this predator in Lake Cecita is currently being verified, although its temporary presence is undoubted, with two confirmed sightings in 2012. This would be an important signal, since the animal is an efficient indicator of environmental quality: extremely shy, the otter avoids anthropized areas and lives only in waters that are completely free of pollution and perfectly oxygenated.

Near Camigliatello, in the Cupone locality, near Lake Cecita is the Naturalistic Observation Center now run by the Carabinieri Biodiversity Department of Cosenza. The locality’s name probably derives from an ancient “cupone” tree, for its dark, concave base because it was hollowed out by shepherds, who carved the bark in order to obtain resin for torches. A tree treated in this way was called “sluped”. The center offers a variety of opportunities for contact with nature, starting with numerous nature itineraries that touch on areas of special value, as well as guided tours and thematic routes such as the premises of the old sawmill, the Botanical Garden, which has full accessibility for the blind and people with motor disabilities, or the Geological Park, which offers a
tour to discover the particularities of the rocks of the plateau. Inside the center, a nature museum equipped with educational workshops, multimedia space and conference room offers a cross-section of Silan nature, with special attention devoted to trees and wood, the living heritage of the area.
Also branching off from the visitor center are a series of educational and nature trails leading to the Cupone archaeological site, found on the shores of Lake Cecita, where artifacts dated between the Neolithic and Eneolithic periods can be found, still being studied and unearthed by archaeologists.
5) From the Fossiata forest to Longobucco

From this beautiful thousand-year-old forest, which stretches east of Lake Cecita, originate the main streams of the plateau: the Cecita, the Lese, and the Neto. The smaller streams, tributaries of the main rivers, develop among the roots of the alders, crossing daffodils, rushes and ferns that populate the dense undergrowth. Soaring over the forest are the peaks of Altare at 1650, Pettinascura at 1708, Cozzo del Principe at 1629 and Serra Ripollata at 1682. The forest is dense and lush, and offers the striking “picture postcard”alpine views typical of Sila.

The Park Arboretum is an area with an area of about 90 hectares that has been transformed from an abandoned former forest nursery into a biodiversity garden, thanks to the intervention of the Sila National Park Authority. Be sure to visit the Bat-House and the pond, equipped with an underwater chamber, through which you can observe, live, the dynamics of the animal communities present: bats, newts and dragonflies. The Arboretum also represents a point of interest for botanical studies. Along the avenues that intersect within the former nursery, which can be easily walked by all, one can admire majestic specimens of both indigenous and exotic species such as: white spruce,
chestnut, larch pine, and larch.
Info and contacts:
Sila National Park –

The centuries-old Larch Pine of Longobucco is a specimen located about 5 km from the historic center, a short distance from kilometer 35 of highway 177 that connects the town with Sila.
A sign bearing the name “The Silan Patriarch”, leads visitors to find the ancient conifer. The tree is located at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level and has a circumference of about 10 meters and a height approaching 30 meters. It is characterized by an articulated root system partly exposed on the surface. It is a true beauty of nature, enchanting while refreshing with its shade that smells of fragrant amber. The “tree hunters”of the CISP office of the municipality of Longobucco Mario De Simone and Domenico Federico are always on the lookout for specimens of larch pine that are more than 100 years old, trees that look like the supporting pillars of the Sila tree cathedral! Often the tree occurs in a dense forest in which little light does not give the lower branches a chance to grow, causing them to decay and fall. In this way, the plants tend to develop in height by seeking light, giving a very tall and slender stem conformation, with the trunk practically bare, in the lower parts, of the characteristic dark green needle-shaped leaves, up to ten centimeters long. The root system is
highly developed and extensive, always in search of useful nutrients for its life. Because of this, it manages to break and split even the rocks that stand in its path as obstacles to its growth, succeeding in the difficult task of colonizing even the outcropping lavas and therefore performing a very useful task for the purposes of the biological balance of the area concerned. Considered as a plant of special naturalistic, scientific and, in the past, even economic interest the over 100-year-old larch pine in the territory of the municipality of Longobucco represents the predestined destination of tourist flows to rediscover not only the culture and traditions, but also the other natural beauties of the town. The specimen in question is the keystone of a complex ecosystem that develops around its existence and ensures the life of numerous animal and plant species. Fortunately, the larch pine species is not threatened, and the stand in the area is universally in a good state of conservation.
Only fires pose a serious threat, especially arson, which is often as frequent as it is uncontrollable.

Longobucco is 800 m above sea level and is located in the province of Cosenza, right in the heart of the Sila Greca, just 21 km from Lake Cecita. Although this municipality boasts fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, it is the third largest town in Calabria because it includes much of its territory, which is part of the Sila National Park. In short, it is a pretty village nestled between Sila Greca and Sila Grande, surrounded by mountains, rivers and lakes that are home to countless animal and plant species. Around the inhabited area there is, since the time of Magna Graecia, a large area of great mining importance related to silver mining, which flourished in the past. According to some scholars, the roots of this village date back to that very period! Indeed, it is possible to associate the description of the ancient city of Temesa with Longobucco thanks to Homer’s account in the Odyssey, precisely because of the conspicuous presence of silver mines along the Manna River. The whole territory of Longobucco, in fact, was rich in mine shafts, among which excelled the
argentiferous galena extracted and processed by Sybarites, Crotonians and Romans to mint their coins. Longobucco, in addition to natural beauty and real explorations into history, also offers monuments and traditions that are fully worth seeing to have an exciting experience of the area.
Info and contacts:
Municipality of Longobucco –